Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 21/Happy Birthday to me I'm 10

Chapter 21/Happy Birthday to me! I’m TEN!

This day was just more fun then should be allowed! First of all I awoke not
knowing a thing! But that was ok because us Canine’s don’t know so much
about calendars and things! And it just made it more fun.

Before anything-happened my “human sister” Tina arrived in her van with
“Precious” with her. He goes everywhere his Mama goes because he thinks
she’s his personal maid :) and well she is! As it should be. Mom and the van
and them left and left me and Annoying and Little Brother to fend for
ourselves. I was thinking this is NOT going to be a good day. Just when
excitement show’s up, excitement leaves????

But not to worry! Back comes the van and then all sorts of excitement
ensues…..Sister Tina, is outside “decorating”. Mom is in the house doing
heaven knows what and Precious is probably finishing his lunch or asking for
a certain TV show that’s not allowed..eeeeeeeek….

Then out they come!!!!! Sister Tina, Precious and Mom. With arms full of
presents and camera’s and squirty stuff and ribbons AND a TIARA! And you
just won’t believe where that Tiara went… ON MY HEAD! As they said
“SURPRISE” and I discovered I had a birthday!!! Now I know what birthdays are because in this family we make a big fuss
over stuff like that, but little did I know it was MY birthday. And I am 10 whole
years old. I think Sister Tina said that was 70 in dog years. EXCUSE ME! I
think she’s 50 in human years!

I was not absolutely certain how to open my beautiful presents but Mom
squirted this yucky stuff on them that was suppose to taste good. Icky ick .. It
did not. So Mom picked up one and helped then I got right on it!
I had a whole bunch of presents but I really only wanted the first one. It’s a
giant chewy bone. And I just think I died and went to heaven when I have one
of those!

Precious was so excited that he kept wanting to hug me and hug me. He
clapped and laughed and that makes us all laugh!

Annoying was her annoying self.. JEALOUS with a capital JEL! She thought
she should be having the presents, the cake AND the attention. Precious
loves her though,, and wants her to sit on him so we let her stay around.

And of course with a WHOLE lot of persuasion “Little Brother”Spike arrives.
He really is above all the fall der all, BUT he also is a “feline” remember and
Also remember about the little “curiosity” thing with “Felines”.. Little Brother
is not cuddly with humans, however and he is very much his Own Man.. so he
sort of stalks us most of the time!

Mom and Sister and Precious are trying to make me keep wearing the Tiara
and open presents. Now listen people.. A little bit of Tiara goes a long way and I said I wanted my CHEWY BONE.. I
kept trying to carry it out in the yard away from “Annoying” but mom kept
dragging it back so I’d open all my stuff. I did get a squeaky Monkey and Mom and Sister were quite amused with,
they broke in to song about something about “W”????????? Not sure what
that was but they loved it. This is "Lil 'W' " Heh heh he ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Then my CAKE! My beautiful white fluffy cake with #10 candles and Beggin
Strips for Candles. How good can life get!!!!??? I did take one giant bite out of
my cake and got the wax candle and Mom hollered at me. Geeeeeze , even
on my birthday?Add Image
Then Mom proceeded to get in the photography mode and stepped in the
cake :) heh heh heh…And Precious started chewing on the Beggin Strips and at some point Mom
and me accidentally butted heads! So things rapidly begin to wind down. Precious loved the ribbons and strings and bows the very most. That was ok
with me cuz I found them a bit annoying although Little Brother liked them
too :)

Anyhow, I went around the corner in Mom’s flowerbed by the fishpond and
dug me a big hole in the cool muddish dirt and went and got all my stuff and
lay down. Were all exhausted! What a wonderful birthday. … I wish you could have all
been at my party!
Way back in about 1995, before I was even born~ "Horsey Girl", who is the
teenage cousin of "Precious" was just a little Bitty girl and she was staying
with Mom and Dad and she gave their "Canine" children( the ones that came before me) a birthday party!!!!!!!
This is C. C., Cha Cha and Angel along with Horsey. I will introduce you to all
of them in the future:)

I told you this family is REALLY in to birthdays :)


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! This was halarious and so is the picture of Carrie and friends.

  2. It was a wonderful celebration and Jim doesn't understand why we don't have birthday parties everyday:) Penny's big sis looks great for 50.

  3. Happy Birthday Penny! You look like you had a great day!

  4. I really must start using spellcheck, I meant GRAYED not great:)

  5. lol that picture looks just like something i would do ^^
