Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Kat's B'Day~

Don't you think Mom got an awesome picture of me!!!!!! She's always trying, I think I look exception gorgeous and humble :) Sat was my favorite Kat's birthday. Well I guess next to Lil Brother Spike who is a cat too. But Kat is the human kind of Cat and she belongs with brother Daniel and Little Bitty...oh my this is getting confusing!

Anyway this is my BEAUTIFUL KAT! and we celebrated her b'day by burning wood and cooking and roasting and snuggling up to the fire and with little boys running and squealing. I loved it so much!

Rowdy is always a fun one to follow cuz he runs everywhere he goes and he likes to look for special things!

Sister Tina is holding Jimmy and trying to get Annoying little sister to sit still cuz he loves her!

This is brother Daniel:) Mom smacks him if he sticks his tongue out! :O He had lots of fun, especially trying to keep up with Little Bitty ~

A hem...... uhhhhhhh I'm hear just in case no one notices! and I do like hot dogs REMEMBER!Sniff Sniff.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ah HAHA one got dropped! yummmmmmmmm and it's got Ketchup on it! Life doesn't get better then this!

HEY WAIT A GOSH DARN MINUTE! Doesn't anyone notice what I see!!!!!!! I think he's neck just grew 3 inches!. LIL BRO be polite and lay down here and look long suffering ~

Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble~ and I think they are all in this picture

Nothing Like a fire and sticks with boys!

Then we came in and Kat opened her presents!! and Precious got happy then for sure!

And then time for cake! This evening just got better and better!