Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thankful Tues/WAYNE!


On Thankful Tuesday this week, I'm choosing one of my son in law's...Wayne. I think I picked him this week because of all the stress his little family is under right now and I'm so proud of how he's handling it.
Like all of us Wayne has had a rather turbulent life, but probably a little more so. Some things just seemed so unfair and cruel but he's hung in there and doing the best he can for Tina and his boys.
Wayne first came in to our family when I think he was about 24 or 25. He didn't seem that young at the time but looking at his pictures he looks like a baby! The first things I remember about Wayne was he just made me laugh. He has a sort of strange sense of humor I guess, but I GET IT! and I laugh.
When Jimmy was born, I truly think Wayne saved his life. He worked with that baby and made sure he took that milk no matter how long it took. When Jimmy was born Wayne became a different person, he stepped up to the responsibility and has never looked back. And then a few years later Riley joined the family under some very stressful circumstances and Wayne has become the Daddy Riley needed.
Wayne with sister Angela and Riley and Jimmy
Sometimes I think Wayne doesn't think I'm on his side, but I'm ALWAYS on his side. I know how much he loves my daughter and my grandsons and that alone makes me so very thankful for this talented creative man, known as my son in law Wayne.
I love you Wayne, like a son, and I pray everyday that the next week will be a peaceful one for all of you. and I know it will! I'm very proud of Wayne.


  1. We are thankful for Wayne too!

  2. He's the best:)

  3. this may very well be the sweetest thing anyone ever said about me, and it is appreciated more than you could know.


  4. Made me want to cry, it is all so true, I love u Wayney!
